Ad Limina Visit of the Bishops of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Friday 3 May. The Dicastery for Consecrated Life recently welcomed members of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina for their Ad Limina Visit (link).

During the meeting, Archbishop Tomo Vukšić, of Sarajevo, presented an overview of the situation of the Church in Bosnia and Herzegovina, highlighting particular challenges related to the decrease in vocations and the need to revitalize spiritual life among the faithful.

Cardinal João Braz DE AVIZ, Prefect of the Dicastery, who presided over the meeting, expressed his appreciation for the work and dedication shown by the bishops in leading the Church in such a complex context, reaffirming the Dicastery’s appreciation for vocation promotion initiatives. Also present were Sr. Simona Brambilla, M.C., Secretary, along with the Undersecretaries and department heads.

21 May 2024