Living communion for mission


The 102nd Assembly of the USG (Union of Superiors General) was held at the Fraterna Domus in Sacrofano from 20 to 22 November. “Missionary Synodal Consecrated Life” was the theme of the three-day event, which consisted of different moments: from listening to the experience of the five representatives present at the Synod, to sharing, to reflecting on the Jubilee 2025 that is about to begin.

During the Assembly, our Dicastery wished to be a presence of communion on 21 November, through the participation of Undersecretaries Sr. Carmen Ros, NSC, and Fr. Aitor Jimenez, CMF and Office Head Daniela Leggio, and on 22 November, through the presence of Card. João Braz de Aviz and Sr. Simona Brambilla, MC, Prefect and Secretary of the Dicastery, respectively.

In his reflection, Cardinal De Aviz recalled that in the mystery of the Trinity lies the foundation of ecclesial communion and fruitful relationships. “We need to let ourselves be enlightened by these relationships that pass between the Three Divine Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,” he said. In unity, in communion, there is room to welcome and respect the diversity and uniqueness of each person. In the witness of authentically lived fraternity, consecrated life can be a light of hope for the world.

Therefore, a conversion of relationships and processes is needed in order to be truly missionary disciples, emphasized Sister Simona Brambilla, MC, inviting those present to reflect on how listening to and welcoming the Holy Spirit can help to live a life of communion. Sr. Simona then pointed to sowing and reaping as “two inclusive and complementary mission paradigms,” highlighting how the path of a synodal Church in mission can draw inspiration “from the fruitful interaction of these two movements.” Everyone is called to sow, but also to reap what God has sown. “The paradigm of the harvest opens mission to the dimension of receptivity – which is also manifested in a contemplative gaze and active, humble and profound listening – that calls us to discern, recognize, celebrate and reap with joy the gifts that God has already sown with full hands beyond all geographical, cultural, ethnic, social, mental and religious boundaries.”


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