Sister Simona Brambilla appointed member of the XVI Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod
The Holy Father Francis appointed Sister Simona Brambilla, MC, Secretary of our Dicastery, as a Member of the XVI Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod. (Consultare bolletino)
Welcoming the news, Sister Simona said,
"I deeply believe in the synodal journey. We have lived and are living an experience of the Spirit, which impels the Church to walk together, in mutual listening and mutual edification. From this experience there is no going back. We go forward; and we go inward, deeper, involved and caught up in a spiral movement that, with strength and gentleness, brings us to the essentials of who we are as Christians: brothers and sisters in Christ. Lightened, disarmed and freed from the various armors and vestments we may be wearing. Yes, because the Synod is an exquisitely spiritual journey, and as such it is breath, whisper, movement that transforms, liberates, unites and harmonizes, without ever levelling. I ask the Lord for the grace that we can open our hearts more and more to receive this Breath and let it transform us as persons, as a community, as the Church and as humanity."
The Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, with joy and gratitude, wishes Sister Simona a serene and fruitful work in the service of the universal Church.